Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's getting better all the ti-i-i-ime

Another round of auditions - this one was actually attended.

Some fantastic actors in there. Thanks all those people.

I did another audition. I'm proud of it. This is a rare thing.

"Go Ask Alex" is coming together and looking more real as we slowly collect our cast of outsiders.

In other news, the other production from Black 29 Entertainment is moving along as well. By the end of this month the first draft of this secret project should be completed. Look forward to it. It is the smaller of the two productions, but by no means less interesting.

It deals with crazy things... I'm walking on thin ice writing it.
You don't want to offend, but you don't want to give up something you love just to make something accessible and loved.

This business is a hard one. And this isn't even the business part. It's the creative part.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Coming and Goings

Auditions had a happening of sorts.

Not quite.

I auditioned. I was no good.

or TOO good. Take that world!

But yes, overall a bit of a bust... but that's how it happens sometimes... there's nothing you can do.

We must explore the outer reaches of the college area. Oh, Cabbages and Kings, or whatever I'm supposed to call you know, you are such a real production.

Oh, the other movie coming out from Black 29 this year, you are so ... not real...

Nothing wrong with a group of a friends producing something for others enjoyment.

It just lacks the guise of professionalism.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Preproduction Coming Your Way

Pre-production on "Alex" begins officially Saturday.

Casting call to all. Time to judge those who are worthy and those who aren't... and pray that enough people show up so as to allow such judgment.